Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yay!! Iam so super siked.. this summer is going to be a great one.. Lets start off

May: end of school.. and the best part my husbands family is coming not the in laws just his brother and sister in law and all there children.. iam super excited its always fun when there around. Our kids don't get to see each other that often so its nice to get them around each other once in awhile. His other brother Matt might be able to come also which is the most exciting because I haven't seen him in 4 years and my husband longer. And the kicker, it has been prolly 5 or 6 years since all the brothers have been together. You see there all in the military and it seems when it is time for leave and everyone to go home and visit one or the other is deployed. It will be nice to just be us "kids" and not there parents to bog us down in of course the nicest way possible!!

June: well this isn't gonna be to fun, Wes will be in the Field half the month. But i hoping we will be able to enjoy all Colorado has to offer in the summer..such things as the zoo, fishing, hiking and all that kind of stuff.. now for the hiccup the parents want to come visit then. Yipee while i can not barely stand to be around them (for reasons that will have to be in another blog) my kids love them. They love everything about them and for all purposes they are great grandparents. So to make my kids happy i will suck it up and drive on..

July: FUN IN THE SUN!! We are going to visit my sister in Florida. We see them yearly but it is always super duper fun! First we are traveling from Colorado to Texas where my nieces and other sister live. We will stay over night in order to take the girls with us to Fla. Iam happy about this because not only are they my favorite nieces we haven't seen Laura(sister) and Ashley(niece) in about 3 years. Cheyenne (other niece) got to fly out here and see us last summer which was so fun. They are growing up so fast. They have boyfriends and are in love half the time which is completely weird because last time we saw both of them they thought boys had cooties lol. So after Texas we will drive the rest of the way to Florida were we will be able to see my twin sister heather her hubby Stephen and our nephew Stephen. Its sure gonna be great. We will go to the beach which is kinda a big thing around my house because my kids weren't old enough really to remember the beach. They are most excited to build castles and for my son dump water on his uncle Steve's head.. but and now here is the hard part..THE SWIMMING.. My kids have seen the ocean on TV in such shows as the deadliest catch, uh the news where they show beached whales you know adult shows.. oh and cartoons like fricken sponge bob which of course shows the ocean to have crabs and sharks and jellyfish which sting people all the times.. SOO my kids are scared to go in the ocean afraid that they will be stung, ate, pinched or bite.. who knew sponge bob would have such a bad influence..OUCH! so its gonna take some convincing of no doubt dear ol uncle Steve to get them in the ocean.. they love that guy even though they never get to see him... its gonna be great! We will get to see Lil play basketball i believe which is so cool because being so far away we miss out on each others children events like plays and sports so it will be nice to root him on from the sidelines this time and not the other side of the country.. I want to make signs and may oh yes this would be awesome me and the other kids can make up a Cunningham cheer! He would no doubt be embarrassed to all hell but it seems that's how this family shows love.. Which brings me to another reason iam excited that we are going to Fla. We have a brother that lives in southern Ga, He his wife and child will be coming to visit also! yes a very packed house but man when me my sister and brother are all together things get crazy! My brother is famous for scaring the shit out of people and throwing eggs and such he is a hoot.. You have to stay on your toes around him.. Iam just so super excited for everything going on. If for only part of the summer our families will be together. The biggest downfall of the military is being drug around the country and away from our loves! Oh and we will spend the forth of July there which is my fav holiday, and we will see how the kids like that because last year they were not to excited about the sparklers and the fireworks done at home! I don't know what else to say iam so looking forward to having a vacation and taking a break from life.. Sometimes it gets so hectic and it will be nice to relax!

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